
Business Development

05 Jul 2024

Business Development

.NET Developer

05 Jul 2024

.NET Developer Unictive

Springboot Developer

05 Jul 2024

Springboot Developer

Back End Engineer

05 Jul 2024

Back End Engineer

UI/UX Designer

05 Jul 2024

UI/UX Designer

What It's Like To Be Part of Unictive

Work Hard, Play Hard

Work-Life Balance guaranteed! We work hard, laugh hard, loud, and often. We creates a fun, relaxed environment where everyone can enjoy their work, be themselves and reach their potential.

Never Feel Alone!

No one can do everything alone. Either you have a work problem or real-life problem, you will never be alone. We always got each other to lean on to!

Growth And Learning Is In Our DNA

Learning never stops at school. We want all of us be better in skills and person. Regardless of your position, everyone has a part to make an impact. We always nurture our employees to be the best they can be.

Hungry? Don't Worry We Got Your Back!

Unictive provides the team with unlimited (complimentary) snacks every day. Chocolate, biscuits, coffee, milk, noodles, you can find it all on our pantry!

Key Person

The man behind Unictive

Stanley Audrey


After graduating from Bina Nusantara University, Stanley started his career at several companies in Indonesia. He then starting start-up business 3 times before Unictive. He learned business and technology from all his experience, with his skills and abilities he’s able to maintained professional relationships with potential investors and partners, and grew Unictive from idea to profitable business.

Sandy Ricardo

Operation Director

Sandy graduated from Bina Nusantara University with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and then went to work as an Art Director and run his own business for 7 years. He then joined Unictive as an Operation Director. He manages the daily activities of Unictive by overseeing several departments and ensures work environments are adequate and safe.

Meet the team behind the apps

+30 Talented Staff

Are you curious, willing to learn,

loves food and music?

Are you curious, willing to learn, loves food and music?

Let’s grow together with Unictive!

Unictive: A growing and leading tech company empowering businesses with interactive software, hardware, and audio-visual integration. With over a decade of digital expertise, we have served numerous reputable clients

Ruko Garden Shopping Arcade No 9 BH
Podomoro City (Central Park)
Jln. Letjend. S. Parman Kav 28
Jakarta, 11470

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